Monday, April 26, 2010

25 Random Facts About Me

  1. I am the only one in my family with blue eyes and blonde, curly hair.
  2. I was born with red hair.
  3. I danced for 5 years; tap, jazz, and ballet.
  4. I have been playing soccer since I was 3.
  5. I cannot leave my house without wearing my Jesus bracelet and my necklace.
  6. I still sleep with my baby blanket, and whenever I need to fall asleep, I hold a certain part of it.
  7. I love Italian and Mexican foods.
  8. I can't remember the last time I actually read a whole book.
  9. When I was little, I never had any girl friends; I was always playing sports with the boys.
  10. I love the San Diego Chargers.
  11. I've been to a live Ozzy Osbourne performance.
  12. I don't get embarrassed easily.
  13. It takes me about an hour and a half to straighten my hair.
  14. I used to hate my name, but I learned that it is very unique.
  15. Oregon is my favorite state to visit.
  16. Without Facebook, it would take me less than an hour to do my homework.
  17. I'm afraid of Mr. Wojo.
  18. I couldn't live a day without my cell phone.
  19. My favorite celebrities are the Kardashians.
  20. I absolutely love breakfast.
  21. I cry very easily when I laugh really hard.
  22. I have a ritual that I have to do every morning when I wake up and get ready for school.
  23. My 4 friends and I have a language that only we can understand.
  24. My sister and I are very close, even though we fight.
  25. I dream big and pray to God that one day my dreams will come true.

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